Public Release of the Report on the DOE-QTR

Recommended by the President’s Council on Science and Technology, the Department of Energy’s Quadrennial Technology Review highlights the Department's key research functions in the broader energy landscape.

It states that the Department's role as a source of information and as a convener, two functions that are often underestimated, are unique and indispensable in the advancement of energy technologies. It establishes a framework, utilizing six key strategies, in order to prioritize the Department’s research and development across energy technologies. The Review finds that DOE should give greater emphasis to the transport sector relative to the stationary sector.

Among the transport strategies, DOE will devote its greatest effort to electrification of the vehicle fleet, a sweet spot for pre-competitive DOE R&D. Within the stationary heat and power sector, the QTR finds that DOE should increase emphasis on efficiency and understanding the grid. Finally, it highlights the need for DOE to develop stronger, more integrated policy, economics, and technical analysis of its research and development activities. Read More

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