About IEEE Smart Grid Domains & Sub-Domains

IEEE Smart Grid proudly presents the IEEE Smart Grid Domains & Sub-domains created by IEEE Smart Grid members who were inspired by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Conceptual Model. Each of the eight domains features its own sub-domains, for a total 32 sub-domains.

The idea behind the development of the IEEE Smart Grid Domains & Sub-Domains was to establish a categorization that would allow Smart Grid contributions and activities to be combined into specific areas for better understanding of the activities and their correlations.

The NIST Smart Grid Framework is based on the major processes which are executed in conducting the day to day businesses within the energy industry. The IEEE Smart Grid Committee used the diagram from Version 3 as a reference document, but it needed to expand it to cover all the important areas of the Smart Grid. Please note that  V4 is now available.

As such, the following enhancements were made:

  1. The generation domain was divided into bulk generation (conventional generation resources) and non-bulk generation (distributed energy resources)
  2. Added a domain called “Foundational Support Systems” to cover all other areas which support the main domains
  3. Developed sub-domains for each domain

The above additions created a methodical approach for organizing the Smart Grid into 32 sub-domains as shown in the graphic above. Each of the 32 sub-domains have been further divided into focus areas covering most of the activities and projects within the Smart Grid arena.

While it is expected the IEEE Smart Grid model to evolve in time, this model provides a good approach for organizing Smart Grid-related activities.

Learn more about the IEEE Smart Grid Definitions and Terms.