FERC Order 841 and Energy Storage 101

Presented by: Rao Konidena

Storage is a generation, transmission, and distribution asset. Hence the services storage provides, and the revenue from storage should include all the services provided. FERC Order 841 treats storage as a generation asset. Stakeholders need to know all the costs and benefits of storage, so that storage is valued appropriately for consumer benefits. Utilities are focused on a single attribute of storage like congestion deferral, or capacity value. Or state storage is not cost-effective right now. Because of focusing on one single revenue stack.

Since storage is all of the above - generation, transmission, and distribution assets, it is a bit complex. But, by focusing on the primary value like a peaker replacement or reducing peak demand charge utilities and their customers realize the benefit. Rakon Energy will provide independent cost estimates from talking to various vendors and emphasize the multiple value-stack benefits from storage. 

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  • Bulk Electric System – Storage developers, Market operators, and Transmission Owners


konidena hsRao Konidena found Rakon Energy LLC because Rao is passionate about connecting clients to cost-effective solutions in energy consulting, storage, distributed energy resources, and electricity policy. Rao likes helping clients with his expertise in electricity policymaking, and the US energy markets. Most recently, Rao was with Midcontinent ISO (MISO) as Principal Advisor for Policy Studies, working on energy storage and distributed energy resources. At MISO, Rao worked in management and non-management roles around resource adequacy, economic planning, business management, and policy functions.

Rao's publications include "Energy Storage at wastewater treatment plants for resiliency and backup power," "Is FERC Order 841 a Solution to Battery Storage Compensation." and "FERC Order 841 levels the playing field for energy storage."

Tags & Topics for This Webinar:

FERC Order 841; Energy Storage; Organized Markets; Market Settlements;


For any questions, please contact Phyllis Caputo at p.caputo@ieee.org.

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