Challenges of the Existing Security Measures Deployed in the Smart Grid Framework

Presented by: Pallab Ganguly

With the increasingly intensifying integration of smart devices in the Smart Grid infrastructure with other interconnected applications and the communication backbone is compelling both the energy users and the energy utilities to thoroughly look into the privacy and security issues of the Smart Grid. In this webinar we would present challenges of the existing security mechanisms deployed in the Smart Grid framework and we will try to project the unresolved problems thru ‘this webinar that would highlight the security aspects of Smart Grid as a challenging area of research and development in the future.

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Power sector - Distribution, Students going for Cybersecurity career, Any Engineering background with knowledge in ICT


pallab ganguly headshotPallab Ganguly is an expert in Telecommunications, Computer Networks, Information Security, IT/OT Security audit, Research Scholar on the Smart Grid security issues etc. He is working in a big power utility, CESC for the last 21 years in the field of Computer Networks & Security in the domain of Information Technology and Operational technology for the Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution. He has presented technical papers in leading Conferences like SPIE, CII, INFOCOM, IEEE SMARTGREENS and INTEROP (UBM). He is a Senior Member of the IEEE and has been Industry and Session Chair of many IEEE Conference and Seminars. Pallab is the Chairman of IEEE COMSOC, Kolkata. He is the fellow of the IETE. He has visited many cities in India for the inspection and testing of Electrical, Electronics and Telecommunication Systems. Pallab is a speaker at many public forums including Engineering Colleges, Universities, International Conference and Seminars. He is an Honorary member of GISFI.

Tags & Topics for This Webinar:

SCADA; ICS; Smart meter; AMI


For any questions, please contact Phyllis Caputo at

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