A Global Solution to AC Optimal Power Flow

Presented by: Amro M. Farid

Since its first formulation in 1962, the Alternating Current Optimal Power Flow (ACOPF) problem has been one of the most important optimization problems in electric power systems. Its most common interpretation is a minimization of generation costs subject to network flows, generator capacity constraints, line capacity constraints, and bus voltage constraints. The main theoretical barrier to its solution is that the ACOPF is a non-convex optimization problem that consequently falls into the as-yet-unsolved space of NP-hard problems. To overcome this challenge, the literature has offered numerous relaxations and approximations of the ACOPF that result in computationally suboptimal solutions with potentially degraded reliability.  While the impact on reliability can be addressed with active control algorithms, energy regulators have estimated that the sub-optimality costs the United States ~$6-19B per year. Furthermore, and beyond its many applications to electric power system markets and operation, the sustainable energy transition necessitates renewed attention towards the ACOPF. This webinar relays a new profit-maximizing security-constrained current-voltage AC optimal power flow (IV-ACOPF) model and globally optimal solution algorithm. More specifically, it features a convex separable objective function that reflects a two-sided electricity market. The constraints are also separable with the exception of a set of linear network flow constraints.  Collectively, the constraints enforce generator capacities, thermal line flow limits, voltage magnitudes, power factor limits, and voltage stability. The optimization program is solved using a Newton-Raphson algorithm and numerically demonstrated on the data from a transient stability test case.

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Grid Operators, Market Operators, Researchers


20160404 Amro Farid 2 RG30 Edit CROPProf. Amro M. Farid is currently a Visiting Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering at MIT and an Associate Professor of Engineering at Dartmouth Engineering.  He leads the Laboratory for Intelligent Integrated Networks of Engineering Systems  (LIINES) and has authored over 150 peer reviewed publications.  He received his Sc. B. and Sc. M. 2002 from the MIT Mechanical Engineering Department. He completed his Ph.D. degree from the University of Cambridge (UK) Engineering Department. He also founded Engineering Systems Analytics LLC as a startup engineering software and consulting company to provide techno-economic insight to energy and infrastructure operators. Dr. Farid also became Fulbright Future Scholar to investigate the energy-water-hydrogen nexus in Australia.  He currently serves as Chair of IEEE Smart Cities R&D Technical Activities Committee, and Co-Chair of the IEEE Systems, Man & Cybernetics (SMC) Technical Committee on Intelligent Industrial Systems. He is a senior member of the IEEE.

Tags & Topics for This Webinar:

Optimal power flow; AC Optimal power flow; DC optimal power flow; electric power system operation; electricity markets; renewable energy integration




For any questions, please contact Phyllis Caputo at p.caputo@ieee.org.

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